Radionica Little Bits/Smart Home
Opis proizvoda
Ova radionica je namjenjena za svakoga bez obzira na starosnu dob i iskustvo. CTI tesla s ovom radionicom želi pobuditi interes građana kako bi sami mogli uvidjeti da li imaju nekih skrivenih talenata i da li to miriše na više. CTI Tesla će ovakve radionice s Open Hardwareom davati u školama diljem regije kako bi se djeca i roditelji mogli upoznali s novim tehnologijama i kako bi se možda otkrile i neke nove Tesle. Radionice u školama biti će besplatne i održavat će se jednom mjesečno.
The Smart Home Kit can turn any household object into an internet-connected device. Instead of buying a bajillion different smart products, you can reinvent the things you already have. Control your AC from anywhere. Automate your curtains to open at sunrise. Make a remote controlled pet feeder. The Smart Home Kit is the easiest way to Snap the Internet to Anything. Includes 14 modules, ranging from the brand spanking new temperature sensor and MP3 player to the internet boss, the cloudBit
11 accessories allow for ultimate cosmic power, including the AC switch which enables you to control wall outlets [for fans, lights and more!] using littleBits circuits. Note: AC Switch is designed for US electrical outlets only. No wiring. No programming. Just internet.
Samo Internet priključak
Min.2 – Max. 6