Flexlay System J-Lay upgrade Seven Seas

Boris BradaricVaši projekti

HOM unit

Maker Husiman b.v Schiedam , location SMST work site at Drachten, the Netherland

In October 2010 Huisman started the engineering of a new 450mt Hang-off Module and the upgrade of the Seven Seas J-Lay Tower. During the first quarter of 2012 the HOM together with new moonpool hatches is delivered. Because the current location of the coating station will be brought outside the moonpool the J-Lay Tower needs to be extended by 3.5 metres.

This extension also needs to be made on the loader arm. Assembly and pre-commissioning took place at SMST and was competed during the first quarter of 2013.

HOM unit HOM Friction unit J-lay 20121009